Rental & property management Software


“Tari Rental: Simplify Property Management, Maximize Your Returns.”

Our Clients & Partners

Tari Rental ensures efficient management and optimized returns for landlords and property managers. It’s more than just’s a smarter way to manage your rental business.


Tenant Management

Tari Rental allows you to store and organize tenant information effortlessly. From lease details to payment histories, you can track everything in one place. The system also makes it easy to manage move-ins, move-outs, and lease renewals.

Rental Billing

Tari Rental simplifies the rental billing process by automating rent invoicing and payment schedules. The system generates accurate invoices based on lease agreements, saving time and reducing errors. Landlords and property managers can track payments in real-time, ensuring a clear record of who has paid and who owes rent.

Utility Billing

Simplify utility cost management by integrating water, electricity, and gas charges into tenant invoices. Tari Rental ensures fair allocation of utility costs, making billing more transparent and efficient.

Reporting Dashboard

Gain real-time insights into your rental business through a user-friendly reporting dashboard. Monitor occupancy rates, track payment trends, and generate detailed reports to analyze income and performance..

Sms Notification

Automate the creation of rent invoices and payment schedules with ease. Tari Rental ensures tenants never miss a payment by sending timely SMS reminders for upcoming or overdue bills, enhancing collection efficiency.

Multi Property Management

Easily manage multiple properties across various locations with Tari Rental. Separate dashboards for each property help you keep data organized while allowing centralized control from a single platform.

Excellent 5 Star Rating from our Customer

Our Customers Reviews

Our Multi-tenant Billing Just got easier by generating bills independently for multiple Properties.
Jenimo Properties
Easy to manage Utilities for Water and Garbage adding the bill to Monthly Bill.
Francis Mwangi
I can access all my income statement from my mobile device and check on tenant Balances.No more receipts
Lawrence Ngechu

All-in-One Rental & Property Management Software

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